Monday, 30 November 2009

Sketchs sections update

Peninsula Scans update

Green land/Built land

Pedestrian routes/Water routes/Nodes + Sponge peninsula principle section

Diagram organisation

Friday, 27 November 2009

Flooded London by Squint/Opera 2

June 22nd, 2008


Following requests from readers of our earlier story, we have now got hold of the full set of images in the Flooded London series by Squint/Opera.


The images depict imaginary scenes in London in 2090, when rising sea levels have inundated the city.


See the earlier story for a full explanation of the project from Squint/Opera, plus details of where you can see them exhibited in London this month.






Posted by Marcus Fairs

Flooded London by Squint/Opera


Film and media studio Squint/Opera has created a series of images depicting imaginary scenes in London in 2090, when rising sea levels have inundated the city.


The Flooded London series depicts the city as a “tranquil utopia”. Five images will be on show at Medcalf Gallery in Clerkenwell, London from 20 June for a month, during theLondon Festival of Architecture. Exhibition details are on the festival website.


Update: see the full series of images in our new story.

Here’s some more info:

Squint Opera depicts living in ‘Flooded London’ in 2090


Flooded London exhibition is held at Medcalf Gallery in Clerkenwell presenting a series of images depicting Squint Opera’s long-term view of how London’s population has adapted to raised sea levels.


The general scenario is set 80 or so years into the future, long after the sea levels have risen. The catastrophe side of the sea coming in has long since past and the five images are snapshots of people going about their lives, long since having adapted to the worlds new circumstance.

The scenes shown through light boxes present London as a tranquil utopia with the architecture of the distant rat race suspended below the water. The people in each scene appear to be relaxed and happy in their environment and in the first we see a man who has rowed into St Pauls and is preparing to dive off the ledge of the whispering gallery into the dimly lit ‘swimming pool’.

Another sees the upper reaches of a once famous art gallery where people have collected pre flood artifacts and are rigging them up to get makeshift machinery going to power a light bulb.

We assume that the world is a much less complicated and that there is not much in the way of industrialized manufacture. The original City is shown as the now abandoned Canary Wharf where two women are fishing out of the side of an office and the sail of a boat going down the street.

The installations are optimistic and reveal that far from being a tragedy, the floods have brought about a much-improved way of life to the capital city.

Squint has used photography, 3d modelling and digital manipulation to imitate some of the techniques of the super-idealistic Victorian landscape painters. Details are exaggerated and play with scale to present images that belie their composition.

There will be an evening event held at Medcalf with Squint/opera on 18th July 08 to celebrate the exhibition.

Posted by Marcus Fairs

Aqualta by Studio Lindfors

November 25th, 2009

New York designers Studio Lindfors have created a series of images imagining how New York and Tokyo might look like in a few hundred years as a result of rising sea levels.

Above: New York

Called Aqualta, the project predicts that communities will adapt to the changes by building piers and navigable canals to replace the existing transport networks.

Above: New York

The images depict rooftops used for growing food and oyster beds cultivated to protect the coasts.

Above: New York

See also: Flooded London by Squint/Opera

Above: New York

Here’s some text from the designers:

AQUALTA by Studio Lindfors

Studio Lindfors has released a new series of images called Aqualta – a play on Acqua Alta, the increasing high tides flooding Venice – which visually explores what a coastal metropolis might feel like a hundred years from now due to rising sea levels. The images illustrate two cultural and financial epicenters – Tokyo and New York – adapting to, rather than resisting, rising waters.

Above: Tokyo

Aqualta imagines city dwellers migrating to higher and dryer elevations as water levels gradually increase. Piers, boardwalks and systems of navigable canals reestablish the transportation network lost below.

Above: Tokyo

Residents repurpose rooftops for farms and greenhouses. Wetland ecologies and oyster beds thrive and take root to better protect coasts from future storms. The cities are shown without combustion – engines, power plants, all emissions are rendered obsolete – resulting in cleaner, quieter neighborhoods. Aqualta reveals an adaptable city infrastructure capable of acclimating to nature.

Above and top: New York

Studio Lindfors is a design firm based in New York City. The firm is versed in a wide range of project types and dedicated to the pursuit of speculative proposals that explore the realm of the fantastic. Current projects include a restaurant in Houston, a film studio in Brooklyn and illustrations for the House of Inconvenience.

Posted by Rose Etherington

Monday, 16 November 2009

Sponge Peninsula

Full -flooded sponge

Mid-level water sponge

Dry sponge

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Water Project References

NORDHAVEN - City Regenerative FXFOWLE

Ho Chi Minh District 9

Sinpas Eco Town - Turkey

Goyang City of Rivers, Seoul


+ DELTA Pics

"Sponge Structure" fragmented Masterplan

Friday, 13 November 2009

NaJa & deOstos - The Pregnant Island (Ambiguous Spaces)

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
-- Franz Kafka

1,600 hilltops transformed into islands by initial flooding of Tucurui Dam reservoir
Water level can vary by 60 feet (= 18.3 meters) between wet & dry seasons, landscape mutating from valley to lake.

LifE project


GANGES Delta Islands


GANGES Tidal Delta

Thursday, 12 November 2009